Let’s turn the election into a referendum against the oppressive neoliberal agenda!

By Raju Prabath Lankaloka A local government election is in the cards. The Ranil Rajapaksa regime has openly shown that they do not have any interest in the election. It is because they are well aware that their nakedness will get exposed once again through that election. Today, UNP, as well as UPFA, are both in a position where they cannot go to the people. This fact has been accepted by both parties by forming an alliance of UPFA and UNP to contest this election. Three years ago, the representatives…

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ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සමාජවාදී පක්ෂය පළාත් පාලන මැතිවරණයට …

අසනි පුවත් පුවත් නිවේදනය ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සමාජවාදි පක්ෂය රත්නපුර දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ ඇහැලියගොඩ හා සීතාවක ප්‍රාදේශිය සභාවලටත්, කොළඹ නගර සභාවටත් එළබෙන පළාත් පාලන මැතිවරණයේදී අපේක්ෂකයන් ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට තීරණය කර ඇත. මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සමාජවාදී පක්ෂයේ ප්‍ර‍ධාන ලේකම් මහින්ද දේවගේ සහෝදරයා අදහස් දක්වමින්…

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SRI LANKA: Two decisions that expose the utter collapse of rule of law

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Two decisions that expose the utter collapse of rule of law The decision made by the Canadian government to impose sanctions on two former presidents, Mahinda Rajapaksa and Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and Staff Sergeant, Sunil Ratnayaka, and Lt. Commander, P Hettiarachchi for gross and systematic violations of human rights during the war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE), and supreme court decision in favour of petitioners regarding the failure on the part of the then president Maithripala Sirisena, former…

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‘Twenty-Five Essential Working Class Publications of Our Radical Past’ by Revolution’s Newsstand.

Originally From: https://revolutionsnewsstand.com/2022/12/20/twenty-fiveeential-publiations-of-our-revolutionary-past-by-revolutions-newsstand/ A look at what I have come to regard as the twenty-five most important (even if ‘wrong’), consequential (for better and for worse), and finest (we have plenty to be deeply proud of) English-language U.S. left publications of our class’s earlier history. The enormous labor, resources, effort (physical and intellectual), financial sacrifices, and even real danger, gone into producing and distributing these publications is one of the reasons we revolutionaries are still here to continue the fight. From our modest beginnings, mostly confined to the world and…

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102 years ago, on December 22, 1920

102 years ago, on December 22, 1920, the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets opened, which adopted a plan for the electrification of Russia – the GOELRO plan. The initiator and inspirer of the GOELRO plan was V. I. Lenin. To draw up the plan, a state commission was created, which included over 200 of the best Russian engineers and scientists, headed by G. M. Krzhizhanovsky. By December 1920, the commission completed its work. The VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets, held on December 22-29, 1920, approved the GOELRO plan. In the…

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The Three Dialectics of Racial Capitalism: From South Africa to the U.S. and Back Again

Originally From: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/du-bois-review-social-science-research-on-race/article/three-dialectics-of-racial-capitalism-from-south-africa-to-the-us-and-back-again/6EA3F32C306D4896938000199B8E87A6 Published online by Cambridge University Press:  23 December 2022 Zachary Levenson and Marcel Paret Abstract The current popularity of “racial capitalism” in the American academy is typically attributed to the work of Cedric Robinson. But in this paper, we demonstrate that Robinson was riding a wave that began a decade before: in the South African movement against apartheid. We trace the intellectual history of the concept through two heydays, one peaking in the 1970s and 1980s and another emerging following the 2008 financial crisis. To make sense of…

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අප පෙනී සිටින්නේ කුමක් සදහාද?

මහින්ද දේවගේ විසිනි ශ්‍රී ලංකා සමාජවාදී පක්ෂය ජනවාර්ගිකත්වය, උපන් ස්ථානය, ස්ත්‍රී පුරුෂ භාවය හෝ ආගම නොසලකා ලාංකේය සමාජයේ සමස්ත වැඩ කරන ජනතාවගේ පූර්ණ සමාන ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී අයිතීන් සපුරා ගැනීමට කැපවී සිටී. පසුගිය සිවිල් යුද්ධ සමයේ සිට හදුන්වා දෙන ලද සියලු මර්දන නීති අහෝසි කිරීමට හා ඒම නීති යටතේ සිරගත කර සිටින සියලු දෙනා වහාම නිදහස් කරන ලෙස ඉල්ලා සිටිමු….

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Greeting from Hong Kong, China!

I am very happy to know that the Socialist Party of Sri Lanka has been officially launched its web site Asani Voice. Sri Lanka had a massive popular struggle against the economic crisis last year. A mass base and revolutionary socialist party can lead the people’s struggle to victory. The Socialist Party of Sri Lanka and other comrades are committed to building a mass revolutionary party. I wish you success in building a socialist Sri Lanka and a socialist Asia and the world, together with the workers of the world.…

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Greeting from 5th International from UK.

Congratulations to the Socialist Party of Sri Lanka on the launch of its new website, Asani Voice. We wish the website every success in its aim of publishing materials against capitalist exploitation and oppression, with an emphasis on South Asia but in the larger framework of the global movement. In pursuit of its goal of promoting interconnection between socialist organisations around the world, Asani Voice should feel free to reproduce articles from the League for the Fifth International’s website, <fifthinternational.org> International Secretariat, League for the Fifth International.

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